Friday, July 14, 2006

Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche

Ok, so I know that the venerable Sufjan has been blogged to death. Literally. blogged. to. death. But this blog is in desperate need of an update and, well, Sufjan just happens to have something up for all of us to enjoy.

That's right, on his website [of the asthmatic kitty variety] you can now stream the entire new album. How this helps his album sales I'll never know. I'm sure at least thirty of you have already ripped the stream and are sharing individual files. But I can't be bothered to repeat the dirty work that has already been done.

The Avalanche is the much anticipated followup to Sufjan's latest outing, Illinoise. I guess to call it a followup would be a bit pretentious as in all reality it's really b-sides, outtakes, and material that was originally scrapped from the Illinoise project. Rumor has it that Sufjan originally wrote around 50 songs in the first working over of his second state themed project and if he keeps it up he might surpass Rivers Cuomo as the king of writing too many songs for each album. [at last count Rivers wrote over 150 songs for the latest Weezer disc. ahh, perfectionists abound in the world of not so famous music.]

Anyway, make sure you take a look over on Asthmatic Kitty Records and while you're there check out the stream of Sufjan's latest.

or just click here to go right to the stream

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